H3UnlimitedGlobalCompany The world class - H3-unlimited Global

H3UnlimitedGlobalCompany The world class

We are globally located. Diversity inspires us to galvanise and network our clients for a collective achievement wherever they may be. Win the main goals, create the spirit and future of your dreams at H3. Here at H3Global, your location is never a barrier, for we live in a global village.

Directions - H3-unlimited Global


A wide range of programs and products in different directions at H3Unlimited. Our unique products and services aimed at providing and improving our currents' state can not be underestimated. The experts here will show you the directions to help you achieve your targets.

Club cards - H3-unlimited Global

Club cards

By purchasing a club card, you become a member of the H3Unlimited Club with all the opportunities and privileges. Be sensitive and grab anytime it props up.

We are Online - H3-unlimited Global

We are Online

Subscribe to our social networks via Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, VK and others to be the first to have our up to date info and opportunities.

Partners - H3-unlimited Global


Our partners share the same dreams, well established and are distinctly reliable.

Our mission

To share knowledge, pave ways for an impressive educational background and notable career in academia. H3unlimited is well-known for our challenging yet inspiring courses and our captivating published work.
H3-unlimited Global H3-unlimited Global


Amoda Jelili Adedoyin opens the line of communication between clients, customers, and businesses to get projects done. With over 10 years in both public and private sectors, nationally and internationally, Jelili Adedoyin has experience in management consultation, team building, professional development, strategic implementation, and company collaboration. Amoda J.A. has managed projects at MegaPlus Astana, some state schools and colleges in Kazakhstan and currently the Executive director of H3Unlimited Astana, leading to several recommendations and certifications. Amoda J.A. holds a degree in Economics and Business,... show all text

H3-unlimited Global


Ramazanova Zhanna

Ramazanova Zhanna


Enyi Christian

Enyi Christian

Logistics and Entertainment

Smagulova Sabina

Smagulova Sabina

Travels and Immigration related

Aidarova Gulbanu

Aidarova Gulbanu


Umrali Aidana

Umrali Aidana

Project Management Expert and IT Specialist