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H3-unlimited Global

Проверка своего уровня Выбран уровень — BEGINNER

1. ______ name is Apple. ______ Ann Apple.

2. Vancouver is very cold _____ winter.

3. “What _____ she do?” “She is an interpreter.”

4. He lives ____ an island _____ the west of Scotland.

5. ______ from Spain. I’m Rodriguez .

6. Hello, what ______ your name?

7. “What ______ this?” “It’s ______ umbrella.”

8. We _____ in a Russian class. We _____ in an English class.

9. “How old is your aunt?” “______ is 29.”

10. _____ sells things.

11. easy - ______

12. She never _____ meat.

13. A: _____ Greek? B: Yes, I am.

14. He _____ to help people.

15. I live _____ an apartment _____ two American boys.

16. Why _____ you like _____ in the hotel?

17. I’m _____ New York.

18. “_____ is his job?” “He _____ a policeman.”

19. “What is ______ ?” “She is a bank manager.”

20. Pierre is a French boy. ______ from ______ .

21. I’m _____ a class _____ eight other students.

22. “How many languages _____ you _____ ?” “Three: English, German and Spanish.”

23. ______ name is John. And my ______ is Johnson.

24. “How _____ he _____ to work?” “By car.”

25. “Where ______ she from?” “She ______ from Japan.”