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Checking your level Level selected — BEGINNER

1. “What ______ this?” “It’s ______ umbrella.”

2. A: _____ Greek? B: Yes, I am.

3. Mark______ 19, but Brian and Denis ______ 26 and 28.

4. Central Park is lovely _____ the snow.

5. big - ______

6. I ______ 22 years old, but Andrew ______ 20.

7. I live _____ an apartment _____ two American boys.

8. I’m _____ New York.

9. I’m _____ La Guardia Community College.

10. “What ____ their _____?” “Alexander and Philip.”

11. Lisa and Max are Americans. ______ from U.S.A.

12. Toyotas ______ Japanese ______ .

13. _____ _____ languages does she speak?

14. Pierre is a French boy. ______ from ______ .

15. “Are you married?” “No, _____ .”

16. ______ from Spain. I’m Rodriguez .

17. A: I’m sorry. I’m late. B: _____ Come and sit down.

18. We always _____ lemonade in the evenings.

19. “How _____ he _____ to work?” “By car.”

20. He works _____ an undertaker.

21. hot - ______

22. “_____ he married?” “No, he _____.”

23. expensive - ______

24. A- _____ your wife _____ English? B- Yes, she does.

25. “How many languages _____ you _____ ?” “Three: English, German and Spanish.”